Archive for the ‘About this weblog’ Category

Back again, again…

January 23, 2011

Well, okay, then, I admit it. This blog has been neglected for quite long. However, time has come to reactivate it once again. I have had a quite busy time, especially the second half of last year; so I didn’t manage to keep things active right here. But now, I am slowing down here and there. And that means: more writing time, and part of that writing time may just as well be spent on my English-language blog, I would think. So, here goes…

However, I will not make big promises. My Dutch-language blog wil have priority. But I will try to write something here, now and then.

Back again

February 9, 2010

Well, well, back again after a terribly long hiatus. Been busy with my Dutch-language weblog, with music, with enjoying life for a change. But the silence over here has lasted more than long enough, it’s time te reactivate matters here.

There has been change in my views, my ideas have evolved, quite drastically in some respects, to what Trotskyists tend to call “ultraleftism”. I am no longer a Trotskyist, having been moving closer to anarchist politics in recent months without losing the core of marxist analysis as I see it. More about this soon, I hope.

I don’t know whether I’ll manage to write regularly over here. I hope to write both articles on daily events that are relevant for class struggle and revolutionary change, and more theoretical pieces on the kind of revolutionary theory I think is needed, plus relevant bits of history and so on. I’ll be back later this week, if all goes as planned (or improvised).

By way of renewed introduction…

June 16, 2008

Well, who is making this weblog? Peter Storm, born in Arnhem, Netherlands, in 1961; living singly and gaily in Tilburg, in those same yet very much changed Netherlands. Studied in Utrecht, history, become politically active, mainly in and through the Internationale Socialisten, a Marxist organisation belonging to the International Socialist (IS) Tendency. From Spring 1988 until Februari this year i was a member. I am no longer, for reasons both political and personal that I will not go into now. Politically, I remain, and intend to remain, close to the core politics of the IS Tendency: revolutionary Marxist, anti-Stalinist (as if there cam be Marxism that is NOT thoroughly anti-Stalinist…). Perhaps I am somewhat more open for the best of the anarchist tradition than I have been during my IS years. And, hopefully, the learning process will not stop, not before the revolution and not after the revolution either…

I am a writer on politics, history, society, and how to change them in what i see as the right, that is a very much radical Left, direction. Most of this writing is for my Dutch-language blog, Rooieravotr. My other main activity is music, about which you can read more on another blog I make, also in Dutch.

The blog you are now reading has been neglected for too long. Its purpose will become clearer, both to readers and to myself, as I revive it further, in the coming weeks. I intend to write once or twice everye week. My Dutch-language blog Rooieravotr has priority, as far as writing is concerned, but – especially in this US election year – som red rebel rantings in English are not out of place…

Time to revive this blog…

June 14, 2008

Silence has ruled here much too long, and it is annoying me. So it is time to revive this weblog. Coming soon: a small piece about myself and what I am doing here, a piece on some weblogs I like, an article on the American presidential elections, and, hopefully, more…

What is going on here?

January 17, 2007

Once upon a time I started a little website, with political comments. Being a not very disciplined person, I dropped the thing after a few weeks, though it is still on-line. It is in Dutch; I live there, I speak that language, being an internationalist, I am not proud of the fact but neither do I apologise. It’s just a matter of fact:-)

Then, after half a year , and after a year of more or less enforced time-out and reorientation, I rediscovered an old truth: just as I have to eat and drink and sleep, I have to write. However, writing without even the possibility of being read never made much sense to me. In erlier days, this stopped me from writing as consistently as I actually want to do. But now there is the internet. So I started a weblog, in the early hours of December 28, 2004. After 19 months, I moved it to another location where I write, daily if possible. Never a lack of subjects, with this world convulsing with war and oppression, resistance and revolt.

Many of the things I write about and get excited about are international. The source of most wars is located in a courntry where most people speak English, many debates with which I feel connected and in which I want to participate, are being done in the Engklish language. Besides, being an internationalist, I refuse to accept the fragmentation that national states and borders impose. I have done a few articles in English after I moved to may current location, but I don’t find it a verye satisfactory solution to do it that way. An English-language weblog follows as a logical conclusion.

So here it is : RedRebelRanter, in Dutch known as the Rooieravotr. What to expect? If you read Dutch: check out my other weblog to find out. If you don’t (hopefully, most of my readers here will not be the ones that already know my Dutch-language blog): come back and find out… Or read my English-language pieces: “Random readings no. 1, no. 2 , no. 3 and “Saviours of Humanity” on Be back soon here (I will, that is)

Coming soon…

January 17, 2007

More soon…